An external hard drive is a valuable tool for storing and backing up important files and documents. However, external hard drives can also be vulnerable to data loss due to a variety of factors, such as physical damage, power surges, malware and viruses, and human error. Recovering data from a broken external hard drive can be a difficult task, but it’s not impossible. In this article, we will discuss the steps you can take to recover your data from a broken external hard drive, as well as ways to prevent data loss from happening in the first place. We will also discuss the importance of having a backup plan in place and keeping your hard drive updated, as well as how to use data recovery software and seek professional help if needed.

Recovering data from a broken external hard drive can be a difficult task, but it is not impossible.

Here are a few steps that you can take to try to recover your data:

  1. Check the connections: Make sure that all the connections between the external hard drive and your computer are secure and properly connected.
  1. Run a diagnostic test: If the connections are fine, run a diagnostic test on the hard drive to see if there are any errors. This can usually be done by going into the hard drive’s properties and running a built-in diagnostic tool.
  1. Try a different computer: If the hard drive is not being recognized by your computer, try connecting it to a different computer to see if it works.
  1. Use data recovery software: If the above steps do not work, you can try using data recovery software to recover your data. There are many different software options available, both free and paid. 

The best utilities for both Macs and PCs you will find here.

  1. Seek professional help: If you are unable to recover your data with the above methods, you may want to consider seeking professional help. A data recovery service can often retrieve data from damaged or broken hard drives that cannot be recovered using software or other methods.

To learn more about the best data recovery services, click here.

Keep in mind that even with these steps, recovering data from a broken external hard drive is not a guarantee, but it’s worth giving it a try.

When it comes to recovering data from a broken external hard drive, it’s important to understand that the sooner you take action, the better your chances are of recovering your data. The longer you wait, the more likely it is that your data will be lost permanently.

One important step to take when trying to recover data from a broken external hard drive is to avoid using the drive as much as possible. Every time you access the drive, you risk further damaging it and potentially losing more data. So, it’s important to not use the drive until you have a plan in place to recover your data.

When you first notice that your external hard drive is not working properly, it’s important to determine the cause of the problem. This can be done by running diagnostic tests or by consulting a professional. Common causes of external hard drive failure include physical damage, corrupt files, and malware.

Once you have a good understanding of the cause of the problem, you can start taking steps to recover your data. As mentioned earlier, data recovery software can be a useful tool for recovering data from a broken external hard drive. However, it’s important to choose a reputable program and to follow the instructions carefully.

If you’re unable to recover your data using software, you may want to consider seeking professional help. Data recovery services have the knowledge and equipment to recover data from damaged or broken hard drives that cannot be recovered using software or other methods.

It is also important to note that once you’ve recovered your data, it is crucial to backup the files on a different hard drive to avoid losing data again.

Preventing data loss from an external hard drive is crucial, as data loss can be devastating and often, irrecoverable.

So, here are a few steps that you can take to prevent data loss from an external hard drive:

  • Regularly backup your data: One of the most effective ways to prevent data loss is to regularly backup your data. This can be done by using a cloud-based service, such as Google Drive or Dropbox, or by using an external hard drive.
  • Use a surge protector: Power surges can cause damage to your external hard drive, leading to data loss. Using a surge protector can help to protect your hard drive from power surges.
  • Keep your external hard drive in a safe place: Physical damage can also cause data loss. Keep your external hard drive in a safe place, away from heat and moisture, and handle it with care.
  • Keep your external hard drive updated: Keep the firmware and drivers of your external hard drive updated to prevent any bugs or errors that could lead to data loss.
  • Use anti-virus software: Malware and viruses can also cause data loss. Use anti-virus software and keep it updated to prevent malware and viruses from infecting your external hard drive.
  • Unplug the external hard drive safely: When you unplug the external hard drive from your computer, make sure to do it safely to prevent any damage to the hard drive or the data stored on it.
  • Monitor the hard drive’s health: Keep an eye out for any signs that your external hard drive may be failing, such as frequent crashes or strange noises. If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to act quickly and take steps to recover your data before it’s too late.

By following these steps, you can help to prevent data loss from an external hard drive and protect your important files and documents.

In summary, recovering data from a broken external hard drive can be a difficult task, but it’s not impossible. The key is to take action as soon as possible, determine the cause of the problem, and consider all available options, including data recovery software and professional help.